Traditional Geometric Patchwork Quilt Stained Glass Transom, Peach, Cinnamon, Champagne Textures

The cinnamon, champagne, and clear textured colors of the stained glass along with the shimmering iridescent blocks and cabochons in this patchwork quilt block blend so nicely -- in the light the hues catch the sun and shimmer brightly while the softer iridescents and clear colors come to life with their textures. Each movement of the sun brings a different look.

This piece measures approximately 20 x 12 inches and may be hung vertically or horizontally. The traditionally fabulous look works well with any decor, and it can be hung in a window or outside for a sparkle of color. There are rings attached for hanging.

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Made in Satsuma, FL

By ArtfulFolk Stained Glass

All of our products are handmade
by expert makers.

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