Carved Alder End Table With Lights With Iphone Pear Clone, Lights Up!

This table was made utilizing a process that has come to be called stack lamination, a technique made famous by Wendell Castle, who is generally known as the father of art furniture and who really started becoming well known in the '60s, and who is now a giant in the world of art. Stack lamination simply means putting a very fine mating surface on your boards and laminating them, in effect, stacking them to get enough thickness to carve out whatever you plan on making. The wood is alder. It stands about 21.5 inches tall and the top surface dimensions are 19 inches by about 10 inches at it's widest point.

I'm choosing to believe that this table is both decorative and utilitarian, as it has the Apple iphone clone pear cutout both in the non-functional smart phone and the table itself, which I wired with low voltage LEDs.. I routed/carved/drilled out the cavities for the light wires and light sockets and there is a tiny port in the back for plugging in the low voltage power source. So when you plug in the table, both the pears light up.
I shaped and carved and sanded and sanded until I got a glassy smooth surface that is wonderful to the touch. I have other photos on my website that show more clearly how smooth and glassy is the surface of the wood. The pears themselves are made with a green tinted clear epoxy. I actually made 4 different iterations of stained glass and attempted to inlay that into the wood, it just didn't come out right so I finally poured the epoxy and got a nice fit. I also ended up making several different shapes and sizes of smart phone before I got this size that seems to work. Well, not really 'work' but it works within the composition. To get the 'manufactured look' line around the sides of the phone, I purchased a marking tool for just that one purpose: to scribe in the line on the phone. The carved phone is permanently attached to the table top. It's kind of humorous to watch people who haven't seen the table try to lift the phone to check it out.. The green pear that fits into the cutout in the center of the table is removable (see photos), the phone pear is not.

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Made in Athol, ID

By Tylerartwork


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by expert makers.

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