Richard Walter Mayo Sea Chest

The sea chests that I produce are authentic maritime reproductions, evolving after extensive research in the New Bedford Whaling Museum. The meticulous detail on the chest assures the owner that time and quality have gone into building the chest before the carving takes place. These sea chests are not painted boxes or mass produced overseas and sold as authentic sea chests. They are individually hand made and hand carved here in my studio on Martha's Vineyard. The process is self-explanatory in that follows the standard process in construction and in the carving process. The cutting out, carving, gluing together, and the finishing with TUNG OIL, to the installing of the hinges and beckets.
This Sea chest is done in Mahogany, 20 " wide at the bottom 13½" on top x 16 " high x 36" long, and have dovetailed corner joints. The front of the chest has a handcarved design of the USS NICHOLAS FFG47 3/4" in height RICHARD WALTER MAYO - VICE ADMIRAL U.S.N. and the bottom of the chest is trimmed with 7/8 Mahogany. The inside of the lid has the script carved CO USS NICHOLAS FFG47 Charleston SC 1986 -1988, CO NCTAMS EASTPAC WAHIAWA HI 1991 -1993, COMNAVFORKOREA Seoul ROK 1995 -1997, COMNAVNETWARCOM Virginia Beach VA 2002 -2004
The USS NICHOLAS FFG47 will be deep relief cut with more detail and have a 3 D appearance and will be 8" - 10" in height. 2 brass rods are installed inside the chest 3" for the shadow box of the sea chest, the brass rods will be set into the Mahogany so they can be lifted out and replaced when needed.
The Becket's are made by Francesca Uranker will clear the lid just enough to spare the knuckles. The handles on sea chests are secured through the holes in the cleats. THESE ARE DECORATIVE HANDLES AND ARE NOT FOR LIFTING OR CARRYING THE CHEST.

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Made in Oak Bluffs- Martha's Vineyard, MA

By J.P. Uranker - Master Woodcarver


All of our products are handmade
by expert makers.

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