Rock Dam Brookie Painting By Michael Lumbrazo

For Sale

Rock Dam Brookie Painting
Size 24" x 30", Acrylic on portrait canvas.
Purchase price of Original Painting: $5800 plus shipping and handling

"Rock Dam Brookie" depicts a brook trout hovering over a lush bed of northeastern stream vegetation while using the stream's current to assist during feeding time.

As in all of my work I enjoy abstract shapes that intertwine with each other. "Rock Dam Brookie" is based upon a simple yet powerful combination of ovals and triangles. Tools that I use in much of my work.

Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are native to the eastern United States. These beautiful colorful freshwater fish are strong and survive in only the coldest and cleanest water. Brook trout are the nature's barometer of the health of the streams they inhabit. If you catch a Brook trout this indicates that ecosystem is healthy.

The current of a stream or river has been described to that of a constant ocean breeze. It's endless motion that brings nourishment as the Brook trout faces the flow to catch its food at a moments notice. If you have the chance to witness feeding trout I highly recommend it. They are elegant and swift with full control of there surroundings.

"Rock Dam Brookie" was painted with a darker palette to portray the depth of its habitat. Using Prussian blue, yellow ochre titanium white and cadmium orange to bring the painting to life. My vision for this painting was simple, don't over complicate the message. "Rock Dam Brookie" is meant to bring a calm feeling over the viewer. By drawing the viewers attention to the upper left side of the composition allowing the vegetation to take on movement from the viewers peripheral vision. Not to mention the patterns on the Brook trout are amazing to paint. Patterns catch my eye and many of my paintings are derived from natures patterns.

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Made in Jacksonville, FL

By The Art of Michael Lumbrazo


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